
In: File

This command triggers a common open dialogue. There are predefined types of files according to the file extension (the choice in the combo box on the bottom of the dialogue):

Any file (*.*) - this is a predefined option of file type. Use of such an option starts the File Recognition window.

- ASCII txt file (*.txt) - only a filter of files according to extension. It also start the File Recognition window.

- MSC.NASTRAN input file (*.nas) - file with a topology of the FE-model created as an input for MSC.NASTRAN FE-analysis.

- MSC.NASTRAN input file (*.dat) - the same as above, but extension differs

- MSC.NASTRAN punch file (*.pch) - the punch file is an appropriate format to upload results of MSC.NASTRAN FE-analysis.

- ABAQUS result file (*.fil) - *.fil contains not only the FE-result data, but can describe also the topology of the FE-model. The predecessors of PragTic were oriented on this data type import, but now this option is not maintained for some time. Do not use it!

Since it is very well possible that you would like to reuse some parts of PragTics tasks you defined previously, it is possible to import also selected data_vector types.

- Native file with material values (*.mat)

- Native file with set of elements (*.soe)

- Native file with set of nodes (*.son)

- Native file with load regimes (*.lrs)

- Native file with calc. methods (*.mtd)

- Native file with load sequence (*.ldh)

These native files are not able to recognize older formats of PragTic files. Import of e.g. separate load regime file of the PragTic v.0.1.2 is not possible. The conversions to a new PragTic versions have to be simply done through the New/Open dialogue.

A work was started with the release of PragTic v.0.2 betaH aiming at the possibility to import only selected items from the natives files and enabling also the import of files produced by other versions. Currently it is allowed only for load regimes. The import process utilizes the interface of Import of Result file.


ASCII files

File Recognition

Surface of FE-model

thermal load definition

© PragTic, 2007

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